Stars: Personal relationships will suffer if you don’t find balance

Sharron Duff

Sharron Duff

Published Sep 14, 2024


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Watch your communication this week as you interact with other. Work pressure may feel like its worse than ever. Delegate if you can and don’t be afraid to have an open discussion with your work colleagues. Personal relationships will suffer if you don’t find balance. Lucky colour: Orange

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Trust your intuition, especially where business concerns and legal issues are concerned. Read the small print in contracts to avoid issues later. You may need to use your discernment in a family conflict. Try not to take a work directive personally. All will be well. Lucky colour: Purple

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Focus on your health this week as old problems resurface. Try a holistic approach to your healing. Get a second opinion if you can, as there is a different solution. Consider mentorship for personal direction but choose wisely. A family member needs your help in keeping a secret. Lucky colour: Turquoise

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Take charge of a personal situation where you feel pushed into a corner. Decide on a preferred outcome and stick to it. A good week for new relationships. Try and remember that not everyone is the same, so don’t let your past interfere with your happiness. Forgive and move on, its time to heal. Lucky colour: Gold

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Pay attention to your diet this week. Be aware of your interactions and of toxic relationships, especially at work. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Success is natural for you so go with the flow. A change of attitude is needed in a difficult family situation. Lucky colour: Beige

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

Safety and security may feel in jeopardy this week so give some attention to your insurances, investments and domestic policies. Avoid conflict by staying away from drama. Spend time doing something peaceful to relax. Don’t overspend, but rather plan your budget responsibly. Lucky colour: Light blue

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Leave the past behind and remind yourself that things are as they are for a reason. Make peace with this and let go. Stay away from drama at work. You are being noticed for your hard work. Focus on your dreams but put a plan in place. When you decide, things will fall into place. Lucky colour: Lilac

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Study comes into your space and a time to develop your soft skills. Charity also comes in but don’t over give. Pay attention to signs from spirit. You are being guided by your loved ones, especially with family matters that involve money and assets. Get a second opinion over a financial crisis. Lucky colour: Yellow

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Stop holding on to things that don’t serve you and move on. You may be asked to mediate. Be careful not to take sides. A work situation may become heated over a misunderstanding. Be patient, the truth will reveal itself. Only agree to an extra project at work if you can manage it. Lucky colour: Grey

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

You are always protected by spirit, but you still need to do your part. Be vigilant and slow down. Be careful if asked to invest and make sure that you read through the contract. Be brave where it comes to decisions in your personal relationships. Sometimes, we need to look after ourselves first. Lucky colour: White

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

You need to slow down and stop burning the candle at both ends. Your situation is turning around but needs careful planning and a healthy dose of focused attention. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Everything is working out for the best. Your loyalty may be tested this week but get all the facts before you make any judgement. Lucky colour: Black

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Watch your back this week but know that not all is as it seems. Stay positive, there is a silver lining. Good news and a surprise celebration for some of you. Extra work coming in and balance is important. Pay attention to your healthy boundaries, especially at work. Lucky colour: Red

Sharron Duff is a psychic medium, past life specialist, spiritual coach, healer and animal communicator. She has been connecting with spirit for more than 20 years and runs her business, Quantum Soul, from Waterfall in KwaZulu-Natal. Duff can be contacted at 0729865514 or email

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