Brave boys hailed for rescuing battered kitty from torturers

HEROES: Helpers Thakier and Mozevern.

HEROES: Helpers Thakier and Mozevern.

Published Dec 5, 2023


Cape Town - Two brave boys have been hailed as heroes for coming to the rescue of a battered kitty that was being tortured by older boys.

Animal lovers across Cape Town came out on social media this weekend to praise the efforts of best friends Thakier Boltman and Mozevern van Belling, from Manenberg, who walked more than 3km through Philippi to seek assistance from Animal Welfare of Society of SA for the injured animal.

Thakier, 10, said they were playing outside when they witnessed four boys violently tossing and strangling the cat.

The Grade 3 learner from Downeville Primary School said he knew he had to do something.

“They were holding the cat by the neck and throwing it to one another. I knew we had to do something and so we both ran towards them and took the cat away. We just took it from them and we put in a box and ran to the place in Philippi.

“I have nine rabbits and I know how to walk there, so we went. I want the children in Manenberg to know that it is not right to abuse animals. They must be treated with respect.”

Mozevern, 13, said the cries of the kitty were heartbreaking.

“The cat was screaming and crying and I couldn’t take it. We didn’t worry that they were older than us, we just took the cat and they ran away because they knew what they were doing was wrong. I was very heartbroken when they told me the cat died because the injuries were bad,” said the Grade 5 learner from Red River Primary School.

Crystal Fester from AWS SA said she was at the organisation when the boys arrived.

“They brought in the kitten which they took off of some kids who had injured it. They walked a far distance, and a dangerous walk, with the kitten in a box, and I promised we would come back and reward them.

“I do believe that they deserve a reward because not only did they save the kitten and bring it to us, they are also educating children in Manenberg about how important it is to save animals and not abuse animals.”

She said animal lovers across Cape Town have come forward to create Christmas boxes for the two boys.

If you would like to help call Fester at 071 312 8443 or Allan Perrins at 078 631 5126 or email