Call to help talented 17-year-old netball player reach her goals

Ngozi Okonkwo (17). Picture: Supplied

Ngozi Okonkwo (17). Picture: Supplied

Published Aug 8, 2023


Cape Town - An exceptional young netball player and a pupil at Soneike High School, Ngozi Okonkwo, 17, is appealing to generous South Africans to open their hearts and donate toward her BackaBuddy campaign launched to raise funds for her upcoming Southern Cape Sports Tours heading to England and Wales in September.

The tour, scheduled from September 30 to October 9, is a unique opportunity for high school pupils who have showcased outstanding performance during the annual Southern Cape Sports Tour (SCST) High School Sports Festival held in George during the April school holidays.

Now Okonkwo, from an underprivileged home, is desperately trying to raise R45 990 that will cover her international travelling expenses, accommodation, meals, match kit and other essential arrangements.

“I started playing netball when I was 7 years old, I was in Grade 1. I am extremely excited about the opportunity. With my whole heart I wish to be part of the tour. I have always dreamed of being an international sports star.

“My life is sports. I would like to be a netball co-ordinator one day.

“I am raised by a single parent. She has a seasonal job. We live with my grandparents in The Conifers. They help where they can, and I am grateful for that. We are fund-raising a lot but the support is very poor, heartbreakingly poor, and that is why I am throwing myself at the mercy of my fellow South Africans,” Ngozi said.

Ngozi Okonkwo (17). Picture: Supplied

SCST director Nico Bezuidenhout said Ngozi participated in the U/18 Netball division and demonstrated remarkable skill and commitment through-out the tournament.

She was selected by individual talent scouts from among 2500 participants, earning her a place on the SCST under 18 Netball Team.

“This team of talented athletes will compete against top English and Welsh school teams in London, Cardiff, and Birmingham during the tour. Participating in these international matches will not only help Ngozi hone her skills, but also broaden her horizons by learning from global competitors,” Bezuidenhout said.

To donate to Ngozi Okonkwo’s BackaBuddy campaign go to ngozi-anika-okonkwo-5602307458521206794