City cop accused of neglecting pet tried to intimidate SPCA officer

A German shepherd was found living in its excrement.

A German shepherd was found living in its excrement.

Published Feb 10, 2024


Cape Town - A law enforcement officer from Mitchells Plain has found himself in the dogbox after he attempted to get an inspector to reveal who had lodged a complaint against him for neglecting his pet.

The officer has been accused of abusing his position in the City, when he allegedly tried to stop a Cape of Good Hope (CoGH) SPCA inspector from carrying out his duties.

According to a statement by the animal welfare organisation, the inspectors arrived at his home on Monday and confiscated his German shepherd following several warnings to clean the dog’s living environment, which was strewn with excrement, and to provide the dog with potable drinking water and adequate shelter.

The owner denied the inspectors access to the premises, which resulted in a court order being obtained from the Mitchells Plain Magistrate’s Court.

“On previous inspections, the owner attempted to misuse his position as a law-enforcement officer to intimidate SPCA inspector Jeffery Mfini into giving him the details of the complainant,” said the CoGH SPCA.

Chief inspector Jaco Pieterse said they would never divulge any details of a complainant.

“The SPCA will under no circumstances divulge the details of any complainant unless ordered to do so by a court – and this is highly unlikely.

“Legal precedents set by both the high court and the Supreme Court of Appeal have always upheld the protection of whistle-blowers.

“Animal cruelty can be reported with confidence. The SPCA will always protect those who choose to speak up for animals and the law will be on your side too.”

Pieterse said they lodged a formal complaint with Safety and Security Mayco member JP Smith about the officer’s conduct, while the dog had been taken into the care of the SPCA and would remain there until the matter was concluded by the court.

Smith confirmed they were aware of the incident.

“I have referred the matter to the management team and while I do not get involved in disciplinary processes, the officer could face a charge for bringing the City into disrepute. Nobody is above the law,” said Smith.

Cape Argus