DA to handsomely reward councillors who turned on #DeLille in spat

Published Dec 13, 2018


Cape Town - The DA’s henchmen used against Patricia de Lille were handsomely rewarded by Mayor Dan Plato with moves to the mayoral committee and several positions in the City’s oversight body.

Apart from creating two extra portfolio committees, Plato has shifted several councillors, most of whom were very close to De Lille, and replaced them with her fiercest critics.

Bonteheuwel councillor Angus McKenzie has been appointed chairperson of the portfolio committee on transport.

He replaced Anthony Moses, whose position became redundant with the Transport and Urban Development Authority (TDA) being split into two, Human Settlements and Transport.

Following violent protests over land this year, McKenzie found himself in hot water on social media after he said land invaders and protesters should use the same passion to educate themselves.

He posted on Facebook: “If only these land invaders and protesters would have the same passion and determination to educate themselves and find a job, they may actually be in a position to buy their own homes and not be dependent on someone else.”

In 2016, McKenzie knocked over a six-year-old child in Bonteheuwel.

Belhar councillor Desmond Jafta, seen as part of the anti-De Lille group, was promoted to chairperson of the urban management portfolio.

In 2015, Jafta made news when he lobbied for a lighter jail sentence for a convicted gangster.

He said he had done so because the gangster’s mother had twice approached him.

He wrote to Judge Chantel Fortuin asking that Reyaaz “Katjies” Dennis, convicted in one of the biggest gang trials in South Africa, be handed a lighter jail term.

Dennis was sentenced in the Western Cape High Court to an effective 20 years behind bars, where he shared the dock with 16 other gangsters, including 28s gang kingpin George “Geweld” Thomas.

Jafta was at the time immediately suspended, but reinstated to his position .

Rose Rau, one of several councillors who turned her back on De Lille while she was speaking, has been promoted to chairperson of the leadership development committee.

While Rau could not get the position of chief whip, she was offered a different position.

Former mayoral committee members Eddie Andrews and Anda Ntsodo, who served in De Lille’s mayco, have been moved to oversight portfolios of spatial planning and environment, and economic opportunities and asset management.

Siseko Mbandezi has been moved to the finance committee.

It has been rumoured that Malusi Booi, one of several councillors who tabled no-confidence motions against De Lille, will become mayco member for human settlements; Zahid Badroodien will be mayco member for community and health services; and Phindile Maxiti will be moved to energy and climate.

Grant Twigg will be mayco member for urban management, the directorate that replaces the area-based mayors.

At full council today, council will also elect a chief whip. Desiree Visagie is a frontrunner.



Cape Argus