Driftsands residents question UDM deputy president Nqabayomzi Kwankwa's kidnapping

Driftsands residents question UDM deputy president Nqabayomzi Kwankwa's kidnapping. File picture

Driftsands residents question UDM deputy president Nqabayomzi Kwankwa's kidnapping. File picture

Published Jun 20, 2024


Cape Town - Details surrounding the alleged kidnapping of United Democratic Movement (UDM) deputy president Nqabayomzi Kwankwa remained unclear for community safety structures in Mfuleni yesterday.

The 44-year-old member of the National Assembly was reportedly hijacked, kidnapped and robbed of his belongings on Tuesday, when unknown suspects forced him to withdraw money before demanding a R25 000 ransom from UDM president Bantu Holomisa.

Information received from a source close to the investigation yesterday revealed that when the victim was kidnapped, he had allegedly been at a barbershop along Old Faure Road in Driftsands.

According to a statement from police, Kwankwa had parked his car outside the barbershop.

In an attempt to ascertain further details surrounding the incident, France Mashaba, the deputy chairperson of the Mfuleni Community Policing Forum (CPF), conducted visits to all the barbershops along Old Faure Road yesterday.

“I drove all afternoon in the area and found out that there is only one barbershop in that stretch between Covid (informal settlement) and Driftsands.

“The other business is a salon, which is closed most of the time.

“I went to the barbershop and the salon and no one could remember the incident.

“When asked about the red Jaguar, people said they had not seen such a car in the area.

“The police also didn’t find anything.

“I would like people to note that we have our sub-forum members and neighbourhood watch members who inform us about everything that happens in all sectors and they didn’t tell us anything about this incident,” Mashaba said.

Police were dispatched to the scene to conduct an investigation, as corroborated by the source.

“They didn’t find anything, it is unclear where this happened.

“There are only two barbershops in Driftsands and no one could confirm the incident,” the source close to the investigation said.

Kwankwa could not be reached for comment yesterday.

On Tuesday, Holomisa revealed that a suspect forced Kwankwa into a vehicle, tying his hands before confining him to the boot.

“He was driving his car to the airport; he was going to fly to Pretoria for the inauguration.

“I left around 11 and arrived at 1pm and as I landed I saw missed calls and messages from our secretary-general informing me that (Kwankwa) had been kidnapped.

“And I called his phone and the kidnappers answered. I spoke to him too and he told me that the suspects were demanding R10 000.

“They told me to hurry up otherwise I was going to find him at the mortuary.

“We then paid the money. Apparently they went to take money out of his account first. When they took him, they shoved him in the boot and drove around with him to take out money and thereafter they drove him to a bush where he saw an abandoned railway line.

“They took him out of the boot and pointed a gun at him, and that is when they said the money was not enough and they wanted more,” said Holomisa.

Police spokesperson, Novela Potelwa said: “A Western Cape anti-kidnapping multi-disciplinary task team comprising organised crime and DPCI investigators, as well as crime intelligence, is currently piecing together details following an incident in which a 44-year-old man was allegedly hijacked, kidnapped and robbed by armed suspects in Driftsands, Mfuleni on Tuesday.”


Cape Argus