Family of Manenberg boy shot in the head pray for his survival as he lies in hospital

Devonte Terry. Devonte’s mother, Simone, said doctors were keeping him sedated and were closely monitoring his brain. Picture: Supplied

Devonte Terry. Devonte’s mother, Simone, said doctors were keeping him sedated and were closely monitoring his brain. Picture: Supplied

Published Feb 8, 2023


Cape Town - As the investigations into the shooting of a 5-year-old boy from Manenberg continue, his parents say his condition remains the same at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital.

Devonte Terry was shot in the head while playing in the streets on Saturday after being caught in a gang crossfire.

A 17-year-old was killed in the same incident. According to police reports, unknown assailants pulled up in a vehicle in Seine Road at about 10am and fired shots towards Thames Avenue where Devonte and the teenager were standing.

Devonte’s mother, Simone, said doctors were keeping him sedated and were closely monitoring his brain.

“He is doing well but he is still the same, they have kept him sedated, and is sleeping, in a very deep sleep. The family has been praying for him but has been struggling with coming to terms with the incident,” she said.

Grandmother Georgina, who spoke fondly of the boy, said she had been looking after him and his brother since birth.

“He is a lively child who plays too much. It is sad that he is now lying flat in the hospital. He used to jump from couch to couch here in my house and would always get into trouble and I would shout at him.

“I also have two kittens here, which he is too in love with and would always play with. I hope that nothing changes about him upon his return and that he remains the same lively boy he was,” she said.

Georgina also appealed for assistance. “We would like someone to sponsor a bed for him, food and clothing. Having to visit him every day at the hospital has also been costly to me as I am not working,” she said.

Police spokesperson Wesley Twigg said there were no new developments in the case and that the investigation into the matter was continuing.