Farmworker vaccinations in the Overberg boosted by WC health department visit

Karel Potberg, who has difficulty walking, being vaccinated at his home.

Karel Potberg, who has difficulty walking, being vaccinated at his home.

Published Aug 5, 2021


Cape Town - In a bid to increase farmworker vaccinations in low registration communities, the provincial Health Department recently visited the farming community of Klipdale in Cape Agulhas to ensure vulnerable groups were vaccinated and informed about the vaccine rollout.

Department spokesperson Roche Butler said this visit was part of their “Boots on the Ground” campaign to increase the level of registration and vaccination in the Overberg area.

During the visit health workers vaccinated those who were bedridden, at their homes, registered those that were eligible, and educated farming communities on the benefits of receiving the vaccine.

“There were no major concerns from the farming community, and most people were eager to receive their Covid-19 vaccine. The community welcomed the vaccination team and were happy that they could receive the vaccine without travelling long distances to the nearest health facility,” said Butler.

Butler said 84% of people over 60-years-old from Cape Agulhas registered for the vaccine, but they were more concerned about the younger age groups.

“Our community health workers are currently focusing on registrations for people between 35 and 59-years-old in all areas,” said Butler.

Part of the department’s efforts included a roving vaccination team based in Bredasdorp, with vaccinators, administrators, pharmacists, cleaners and community health workers geared to vaccinate farming communities, and assist at public sites where necessary.

Clinical nurse Sister Lee-Jane Siddique said: “We informed the farmers on social media groups and they brought their workers and their families to our outreach sites. We are happy to see the positive response and support we have received from the community.”

Farmer John Vermeulen, 62, visited the outreach site with his mother, Janette Vermeulen, 87, to receive their second dose of the vaccine. Vermeulen said he needed to get vaccinated to be able to care for his elderly mother and his family.

Farmworker Monica Kwinana, 57, said she was brought to the site with some of her colleagues to receive the vaccine.

“I got the vaccine to protect myself against Covid-19,” she said.

Butler said the first dose for those 60-years or older, remained the highest priority at the moment.

Farmer John Vermeulen and his mother Janette Vermeulen after being vaccinated.

Cape Argus