How the ANC fared as opposition in the Western Cape legislature during 2021 - Part 1



Published Jan 5, 2022


Cape Town - Being the opposition in the only provincial legislature in the country where the ANC is in opposition may appear to be an unenviable job – especially when every time you point a finger at the DA, they throw the mistakes and failures of the national government in your face.

However, if they are to regain lost ground in the province, the ANC in the legislature is going to need to do more to portray itself as a feasible alternative provincial government.

The DA has been in power in the provincial legislature for so long, they have sufficient weak spots by way of policy failures and party divisions for a focused opposition to exploit and bring to the public’s attention.

Leader of the opposition, Cameron Dugmore:

As leader of the opposition, Dugmore needs to pick a fight and stick with it, leaving his opponents no room to wiggle out. In this way he, and his front bench can demonstrate their credibility and appeal to the voters through their performances in committee, interviews and in speeches.

What is needed is to select an agenda and give it absolute focus, be it the premier’s safety plan, local government, education or the fight for an environmental commissioner.

Must do better - 4/10

ANC provincial health spokesperson, Rachel Windvogel:

Always approachable and ready with a comment on issues to do with the health department, Windvogel needs to be more assertive at committee.

Meanwhile Windvogel had a 100% committee attendance rate, showing up to all the meetings. This is up from 2020, when she had a 76% attendance rate, attending 47 of 62 meetings.

Well done - 7/10

ANC provincial human settlements spokesperson, Andile Lili:

Andile Lili has found the provincial department of human settlement’s Achilles heel with regard to its policies around the issue of provincial government rental stock and properties in general.

If he keeps hammering at it, he may well succeed.

However, despite his attendance of committee sessions having improved in 2021, standing at 67% compared to 57% in 2020, Lili needs to pay closer attention.

Otherwise he will keep getting caught flat-footed when asking questions about issues that have already been discussed and settled.


Cape Argus