Senior citizens bringing job opportunities to the youth with Youth Day expo

Carers Unite NPO, Timeless Care for Seniors and Ben Your Friend Youth Foundation are hosting a special youth day expo to give the youth job opportunities. Picture: Facebook

Carers Unite NPO, Timeless Care for Seniors and Ben Your Friend Youth Foundation are hosting a special youth day expo to give the youth job opportunities. Picture: Facebook

Published Jun 14, 2022


Cape Town - It is not often that a Youth Day event places so much emphasis on senior citizens.

However, this year, Carers Unite NPO, Timeless Care for Seniors and Ben Your Friend Youth Foundation are hosting a special youth day expo to give the youth job opportunities.

The main goal is for seniors to give the youth guidance and a sense of hope for their own futures.

Dawn Fish, board member and events manager for Timeless Care for Seniors, believes that so much is capable through forming partnerships and that this event was a way for seniors to give back to the youth.

“No particular organisation is able to operate in isolation, especially due to the high challenge of social ills we face in South Africa. We realise seniors are an integral part of many families and communities. Seniors bear the financial burden for their families due to the high unemployment rate.

“Timeless Care for Seniors is focused on empowering seniors to give assistance and encourage youth to seek employment and study opportunities, to ease their burden for their futures,” she said.

Nicole Roberts, founder of Carers Unite, said the expo is a way for the youth to explore job opportunities they could not before and feel like there is hope for them.

“Corporate companies will get the opportunity to tell the youth about their company, what the requirements are and what bursaries might be available for what they might be interested in studying.

“I want people to leave with hope. Many times they go to these youth events and hear about all these opportunities, but nobody actually hires them. Here, they can get hired on the day, should they meet the requirements of the company,” she said.

Ben Your Friend Youth Foundation is the final partnership in the expo. They have a keen interest in helping the youth realise their value and to help them as much as possible to become better members of their communities.

The companies that will be at the expo include Fibretech, Avon, Old Mutual Cape Town and the Traffic Department, among many others.

The event takes place at Jolly Carp, Retreat, from 9am to 12pm. There are limited spaces and seats can be booked by contacting or 072 896 8430.

Picture: Supplied

Cape Argus