Two mothers killed in gang crossfire

Stray bullet victim Aeesha Williams’s body is removed from the scene. Pic: Leon Knipe

Stray bullet victim Aeesha Williams’s body is removed from the scene. Pic: Leon Knipe

Published Jun 27, 2024


Cape Town - Two mothers became the latest victims of gang violence when they were killed by stray bullets in separate shootings yesterday.

In Cloetesville, Stellenbosch, mother-of-three Harlen Meyer was killed while on her way to work.

She had been running for safety when she was struck in the forehead and back. The 49-year-old woman died on the scene.

Her brother, Hilton Telemachus, said he was still in bed when a relative told him Meyer was lying in the road.

“My grandchild aged 3 told me that they were shooting before we knew that it was my sister who was shot.

“And then 20 minutes later my nephew came to tell me that it was my sister. My sister would walk every day through that area with other ladies.

“When I arrived at the scene my sister had already passed on. She was shot in the forehead and the back.

“The lady she was with told me that every morning they would go to the shop. And (yesterday) the gangsters were shooting at each other and that is how my sister was killed.”

The emotional man said he last saw Meyer on Tuesday evening.

“She was sad about something and I told her she will be fine, and warned her not to walk around at night because it is dangerous. And then in the morning she was killed. Since last year, they have been shooting every day and night. My entire family had to go for counselling as they are all distraught,” Telemachus said.

Another mother who was gunned down in Manenberg was with her boyfriend when she was hit by a stray bullet.

Aeesha Williams, 24, a mother of two young girls, was killed in Sherwood Park. A neighbourhood patroller said she was doing her rounds in 2nd Avenue, when she saw the couple walking at around 9am.

“I saw the two of them, I heard her make a sound, and when I went to them, I saw blood.

“But the man wasn’t responsible for this. She had been struck by a stray bullet. It was fired from Hilda Court, which is a distance from the scene.

“She was hit only once on the left side,” the patroller said.

A relative, who asked not to be named, said the couple was on their way to the doctor. I heard the shot because I was close to where the shooting was but they were not anywhere near. This is not the first time that a person was shot like this.

“Last year, a 1-year-old child was shot in the thigh while at the park in Sherwood Park and the bullet travelled quite a distance.

“This was an innocent mom to two girls aged 5 and 3. We don’t know how to explain this to her daughters.”

Police spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi said they are investigating murders. Any person with information can contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or by using the mobile application MySAPS anonymously.

Cape Argus