LETTER: Choosing abortion is a woman’s right and cornerstone of democracies the world over

ACDP supporters in the Cape Town CBD at an anti-abortion protest recently. Picture: supplied.

ACDP supporters in the Cape Town CBD at an anti-abortion protest recently. Picture: supplied.

Published Oct 19, 2021


by Colin Bosman

The article in the Cape Argus, “Religion-based parties take a strong stance on abortion ahead of elections”, about faith-based organisations using the abortion ticket to gain political traction by promising to end to abortions, is disingenuous and far-fetched.

It remains the choice, legally and morally, of those affected by unwanted pregnancies, be they rape victims or schoolgirls, for reasons of financial constraints or personal, to terminate a pregnancy.

Furthermore, suggestions by the ACDP that Christians are accountable to God before man should read Erika Bornmans book Mission of Malice. It exposes this travesty of belief in the name of Christianity by pitting mother against daughter, sister against sister, father against son and the ultimate break-up of families, all in the name of Christianity.

A similar principle applies in the church of Scientology where members are encouraged to embrace their own and to break all ties with non-believers including family members. All in the name of a belief system.

The right to choose remains the cornerstone of democracies the world over and this includes the right to abortion.

* Colin Bosman, Newlands.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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