LETTER: Goodwill gesture from China has helped many

Bishop Lavis Paradise receives a goods donation worth more than R100 000. Photographer: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

Bishop Lavis Paradise receives a goods donation worth more than R100 000. Photographer: Armand Hough / Independent Newspapers

Published Aug 27, 2024


The following refers, “Bishop Lavis, surrounding feeding schemes blessed by Survé Philanthropies and Cape Grand China”:

In a heartfelt gesture of solidarity and goodwill the Chinese consul-general on July 23 donated R150000 towards the provision of blankets and food packs for those in need.

Aimed at alleviating the suffering of vulnerable communities, the contribution reflects the enduring friendship and co-operative spirit between China, our nation and Cape Town communities in particular.

The consul’s generous donation has helped provide warmth and sustenance to many during these challenging times of cold winter, demonstrating China’s commitment to supporting local communities.

Speaking on the occasion, the consul-general emphasised the importance of unity and mutual support in overcoming global challenges.

This act of kindness from the Chinese consul-general has been met with widespread appreciation.

Local leaders have praised the donation from China, highlighting its significance as a testament to the strong ties between the two nations.

The funds were used to distribute essential items to those facing difficult circumstances, ensuring that more families can face the remaining coming months with hope and comfort.

The Chinese consul-general’s donation was not just an act of charity, but it was also a symbol of the shared values and mutual respect that continue to strengthen the relationship between China, our country and the City of Cape Town.

* Councillor Mzwakhe Nqavashe, Chairperson of Portfolio Committee: Safety and Security.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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