LETTER: Those who generate and sustain war will be exposed

A Ukrainian soldier of a artillery unit fires towards Russian positions outside Bakhmut on November 8, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by BULENT KILIC / AFP)

A Ukrainian soldier of a artillery unit fires towards Russian positions outside Bakhmut on November 8, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by BULENT KILIC / AFP)

Published Nov 12, 2022


Throughout history, the wealth of the few was built on the misery of many.

War is deliberately created and sustained by old men who send young men to kill or die. War is planned under many disguises, for freedom or honour, for example. Oddly, the truth is simpler.

War is fought so that a few gain more wealth at the expense of many. War is rarely about the greater good or a better life for all. After the blood of countless innocent lives soaks the earth, the old men will briefly stop and shake hands, then sign a treaty, while they secretly plan for the next war.

When mothers weep for dead husbands and sons, warmongers and profiteers are hidden. Those who serve this wickedness, like politicians, then render flowery speeches and praise the dead.

Reports on CNN about the January 6 attack on Capitol Hill were managed by congressperson

Liz Cheney, the daughter of former vice-president Dick Cheney. Under president George Bush jnr, Dick Cheney was an architect of the Iraq and Afghan wars.

He grew wealthier as his companies and those of his allies profited from war contracts and so on. Under the pretext that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction”, the wealth accrued, cost a million dead Iraqis and thousands of injured and dead Americans and other allied soldiers.

Do truth and justice matter in war? For example, why is Julian Assange treated as a killer when he merely exposed what Western Allies did in Afghanistan and Iraq?

He did not engage in the war, he exposed it on WikiLeaks after it was shared by a US military man who had a conscience.

Why is Assange not handled like a CNN or BBC reporter who reports on Russian atrocities in Ukraine?

What is the difference? Must truth serve the agenda of those who create conflict to further enrich themselves?

How much longer must the rest of us injure and kill others for the benefit of the few?

Why are the Democrats so hellbent to subpoena former president Donald Trump over the event at Capitol Hill when no one died, but not willing to subpoena those who created and sustained the Iraq and Afghan wars?

When we expose the truth about conflict, those who generate and sustain war will be unmasked. We must defend Assange and identify those who benefit from war and control politicians.

War cannot remain good business, the sacrifice of humans must be stopped. It does seem like some among us have simply replaced idol worship with wealth worship but continue to sacrifice humans.

* Councillor Yagyah Adams, Cape Muslim Congress.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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