Palestinian genocide is a litmus test for our humanity

South Africa- Durban- 11 February 2024- Mohammed Hoosain and his son Yusuf Hoosain holiding a candle during prayer for the Palestine children who died during the war, during the Soles for our souls campaign at the Nelson Mandela Community Youth Centre in Chatsworth on Saturday- Picture:Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

South Africa- Durban- 11 February 2024- Mohammed Hoosain and his son Yusuf Hoosain holiding a candle during prayer for the Palestine children who died during the war, during the Soles for our souls campaign at the Nelson Mandela Community Youth Centre in Chatsworth on Saturday- Picture:Tumi Pakkies/ Independent Newspapers

Published Feb 17, 2024


For centuries, Europe, Britain and the US have mass murdered and stolen global resources.

On YouTube there are authentic documentaries detailing how the US, Britain, Europe and so on destabilised and ruined nations for something as ridiculous as bananas or sugar in South America. The decades of killing in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen and Sudan was about oil/ gas and subduing black and brown people.

The historic disregard for human rights and so on is detailed/ defined and gives perspective to what is happening in Palestine. The leaders of Europe, the US, Britain, Israel and so on simply do not regard Palestinians as human. Like Africans and others during slavery/ colonialism, we must accept the racist arrogance that is confirmed by historical patterns. Why is this acceptance important?

There are basically three types of people: good, indifferent/ignorant and evil. Good people support truth and justice in whatever manner they can and the best people sacrifice a great deal – including their lives.

Examples include Nelson Mandela, Malcom X and Ghandi.

Indifferent/ignorant people, who are the vast majority, do not get involved as they fear loss and so on.

Evil people support oppression and murder. Current examples include Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel), UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (Britain), US President Joe Biden, US Foreign Minister Antony Blinken (US) and most European leaders.

For centuries, evil people convinced the ignorant that good people were evil and evil people were good. For example, when Jesus Christ the Messiah was dragged before Roman authority, the Pharisees told the ignorant masses that Jesus was possessed by demons. Jewish leaders wanted Jesus dead.

When Rome, in an attempt to absolve itself, told the crowd to choose violent criminal Barabbas, Jesus Christ the Messiah or an innocent Palestinian refugee, the crowd chose Barabbas.

Arab leaders did the same with Muhammed, the messenger when they told crowds in Mecca that Muhammed threatened tradition, was seeking wealth and authority and was bewitched.

Today’s modern Pharisees/ Romans are Netanyahu, Sunak, Biden and Blinken, among others.

When anyone deems it okay to murder innocence, they are evil. Whatever they say to justify oppression, it is deception. If a person wants to know if they are a good or indifferent/ignorant or evil person, ask yourself: Do I desire peace, truth and justice for others?

If you actively support/encourage the genocide of Palestinians then you are like the evil Pharisees.

If you quietly think the Palestinian genocide is okay, you are like the ignorant who freed Barabbas.

If you consider the Palestinian genocide evil, you would have assisted Jesus Christ, a Palestinian refugee born in a manger in Bethlehem against the might of pagan Rome and the evil Pharisees.

In truth, the Palestinian genocide is a litmus test of our individual humanity, so choose wisely.

* Cape Muslim Congress councillor Yagyah Adams.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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