#FestiveSeason: What local celebs are planning for Christmas

Siv Ngesi Picture: Supplied

Siv Ngesi Picture: Supplied

Published Dec 24, 2018


Christmas in Mzansi is unparalleled, and thanks to our multicultural landscape we’ve managed to create our own traditions over the years. But there’s one thing that’s always constant - the spirit of giving and sharing.

From big Christmas lunches to low-key gatherings, local celebrities share how they will be celebrating the special day.

Comedian and TV presenter Siv Ngesi doesn’t have much planned in terms of festivities, and jokingly admits he just usually tries to see his family for the sake of it. But it’s his charitable side that takes precedence on the day.

“I like to do as much good as possible for everyone else, so I go to orphanages and play with the kids. I also try to give back as much as possible,” says the funny man. And when it comes to gifts? “I don’t like gifts; I prefer giving them.”

Christmas plans this year means a big lunch with extended family for celebrity chef Siba Mtongana. When it comes to solving the gifting conundrum, Mtongana says each family has their own gift for their little ones and extras for cousins. “I usually plan gifts way ahead of time by sussing out what my children love or are into,” she adds.

Siba Mtongana

Her tip for anxious parents who still haven’t done the dreaded toy run? “Ask way ahead of time for a list of their favourite toys, and then accompany them with the latest LEGO and other educational toys to keep them mentally fit.”

On her ideal gift, the mom of four is easy to please, “A great cookbook that is a rare find or anything special. But, please, no socks!”

For model and TV presenter Chris Jaftha, Christmas is anywhere his family is. Unfortunately, he’s not always able to spend the holiday with them because he’s travelling. 

“My birthday is on Christmas, so it’s important for me to spend time with them in an intimate environment,” says the Top Billing presenter. 

“I have learnt to share my time which was hard in the beginning, but I’ve realised that it’s not just about me.”

Tradition aside, Jaftha says he’s not really big on Christmas gifts and admits it’s a year-long thing with his family.

Chris Jaftha. Picture: Instagram

“We don’t require a specific day to give gifts. Christmas is special because when it comes to gifting, it’s not a major priority.” 

Nommer 37 actress Monique Rockman shares the same sentiments, saying that just being together with family is the most important thing.

“I’m shooting a new TV series, and after will fly with my husband and son to Jozi to spend time with his parents,” she enthuses. For her, the day is all about chilling, eating good food and presents under the tree.

A big supporter of buying local, Rockman hopes to get some mugs and T-shirts from the proudly Coloured brands.

Monique Rockman. Picture: Instagram

Mommy blogger Lisa Trollip plans to take some time out with friends and family by exploring some of the gems Durban has to offer.

And in true mommy style, she loves sharing in the excitement of seeing her kids unwrap their presents. When it comes to her ideal gift, she’s just as selfless: “My ideal gift is something to spoil someone, something they wouldn’t normally buy for themselves and something that I know will make them smile.”

Lisa Trollip. Picture: Instagram

Model and entrepreneur Sashi Naidoo plans to take some downtime.

She’s looking forward to a positive 2019, so she’ll be jetting off to Bali to relax and rejuvenate her body and soul. In terms of gifting, she gets her close family things that she feels they really need.

Sashi Naidoo

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