Old Macdonald, once an abused pony, finds a new home

Old Macdonald has found a new home. Picture: CoGH SPCA

Old Macdonald has found a new home. Picture: CoGH SPCA

Published May 18, 2023


Cape Town - Old Macdonald, a pony that was rescued by the Cape of Good Hope (CoGH) SPCA from a life of abuse in Robinvale, Atlantis, has found a new home.

The SPCA said a compassionate individual opened their heart and adopted Old Macdonald, who now also goes by a new name, Frodo.

“To see the joy on the faces of the new families and the sheer delight of the animals they adopt makes all the blood, sweat and tears worthwhile,” the CoGH SPCA said.

“Many of the animals that come through our doors have been rescued from situations of such diabolical cruelty, it is hard to imagine.

“Others have endured traumas such as abandonment, bereavement from a deceased and beloved owner, getting lost and finding themselves stray; their hearts beat as ours and they feel emotions just as deeply.”

Frodo was confiscated by CoGH SPCA senior inspector Wayne Hector in Robinvale, Atlantis, after a complaint from a concerned resident about children overriding a pony last December.

“Life was hard for Old Macdonald.

“He was relentlessly driven by a group of children to whom he was forced to give ‘rides’ and then beaten when, completely exhausted, he was unable to move any more,” the CoGH SPCA said.

“The remarkable transformation of this abused pony serves as a powerful reminder that animal rescue is a team effort.

“It’s through the collective compassion of our donors, a caring community member and incredible people like Jesse Roode, that this pony has been given the gift of a new beginning.

“Thank you for the privilege of witnessing miracles like this and thank you for fighting animal cruelty alongside us.”

Anyone who is ready to welcome a new pet into their hearts and homes can call CoGH SPCA on 0217004152 or email at adoptions@spca-ct.co.za

Cape Times