On your bike: Medical students cycle to help peers pay off debt

Stellenbosch University (SU) medical student, Sarah Camp, has raised just over R20 000 for the alleviation of student debt.

Stellenbosch University (SU) medical student, Sarah Camp, has raised just over R20 000 for the alleviation of student debt.

Published Nov 5, 2023


A Stellenbosch University (SU) medical student has raised just over R20 000 for the alleviation of student debt, through her fundraising campaign where she completed 1 500km of cycling to help fellow students pay off study debt.

Sarah Camp (25), a final-year medical student from the Tygerberg campus, arrived in Hillcrest just outside Durban in KwaZulu-Natal on November 4 after cycling from Worcester across South Africa for ten days – a distance of more than 1 500 km at an average of 150 km per day.

Camp, inspired by Professor Thuli Madonsela’s efforts to assist students with university debt, the young doctor-to-be completed this amazing journey to raise funds for #Action4Inclusion, a student debt alleviation initiative by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) at SU.

To put Camp’s achievement into perspective: At an average of 150 km per day, she has completed a Cape Town Cycle Tour plus, every day for ten days, without a break. Or tackled a South African version of the Tour de France, amateur style.

“No wonder my bottom feels a little tender!” she laughed after arriving home.

Madonsela, Director of the CSJ, was one of the first people to congratulate Camp on achieving her goal.

“It was heartwarming when we received news of Camp’s intention to undertake a cycling pilgrimage in support of our Pilgrimage of Hope, which is an extension of our #Action4Inclusion crowdfunding initiative. I was moved deeply by her generosity of spirit and immediately indicated to my CSJ team that we must support her.

“Sarah’s cycling will keep the flame of hope burning while our Pilgrimage of Hope awaits resumption from 20 January to 2 February next year. In undertaking this journey as her Ubuntu-grounded gesture of human solidarity, Sarah follows in the footsteps of SU’s Rector and Vice-Chancellor Prof Wim de Villiers, a doctor himself, who cycles, walks and hikes to end student hunger and raise funds to remove student debt as a barrier to completing higher education studies…We as the CSJ are proud to be associated with Sarah and inspired by her compassion and selfless service to humanity. We hope she motivates many more within the Matie community and beyond,” said Madonsela.

Sarah camp completed a Cape Town Cycle Tour plus, every day for ten days, without a break.

Camp is no stranger to physical endurance and pushing the boundaries – she has traversed the 230 km Drakensberg Mountain range by foot, paddled the 330 km length of England’s River Thames in a canoe, and earlier this year tackled her first Comrades Marathon.

Camp’s epic cycling journey started with the sunrise at SU’s Ukwanda Medical School Campus in Worcester, Western Cape, on 26 October. It finished as the sun set over Hillcrest in KZN on 4 November.

Sarah Camp feels passionate about supporting students who cannot register for the next academic year because of outstanding student fees.

“Graduation is just around the corner. But for many of my classmates, there is little cause to celebrate, as this marks the start of a long journey towards overcoming student debt. Inspired by my peers and Prof Madonsela's Pilgrimage of Hope I decided to undertake a journey of my own – to cycle the 1 500 km from res to my home in KZN and raise funds for student debt relief in the process,” said Camp.

Camp feels passionate about supporting students who cannot register for the next academic year because of outstanding student fees, as well as graduates who are unable to access academic records upon graduation owing to student debt.

“Access to education shouldn’t depend on wealth. In my small way, I wanted to do my bit to help talented young professionals get the start they deserve,” said Camp.

People can still contribute to Camp’s fundraising efforts by donating money on her online GivenGain profile. For more information phone Sarah 071 899 9565 or send her an email at 20749937@sun.ac.za

Cape Times