Letter: PP impeachment inquiry a one-man show for Dyantyi

Qubudile Dyantyi is going to cost the ANC some votes in next year’s national elections because viewers can see how biased he is, and that he is controlled elsewhere, says the writer.

Qubudile Dyantyi is going to cost the ANC some votes in next year’s national elections because viewers can see how biased he is, and that he is controlled elsewhere, says the writer.

Published Apr 5, 2023


By Mfezeko Bunu

Cape Town - The Section 194 Committee is becoming a one-man show where the chairperson, Qubudile Dyantyi, continues to single handedly and shamelessly violate the public protector’s rights to have full legal representation before this committee.

Advocate Dali Mpofu cannot and should not represent the public protector without any guarantees that he will be rewarded for his work.

Dyantyi first said Monday’s session was for the committee only, then he somersaulted and invited the clearly biassed advocate Nazreem Bawa to “empower” the committee in the absence of the public protector’s (PP’s) legal representation.

As Vuyo Zungula said, the invitation of Bawa was never discussed with them, but it was Dyantyi’s unilateral decision.

First, Bawa is not a member of the committee, and I hope advocate Busisiwe Mkhwebane reports her to the Legal Practice Council for violating her oath of office by addressing some of the evidence presented by the PP before this committee in the absence of her legal representation.

This committee, through the clearly inept, publicity-seeking Dyantyi, continues to make a mockery of this process. Even a blind person can see that they have a predetermined outcome. They are just wasting taxpayers’ money by delaying announcing their determination.

Dyantyi is going to cost the ANC some votes in next year’s national elections because viewers can see how biased he is, and that he is controlled elsewhere.

Dyantyi continues to misrepresent what committee members and Dali Mpofu say.

Mpofu continues to correct him, exposing his shallowness. It was again so embarrassing that he had to be corrected by the PP on Monday when he said HR matters were part of Bundle A instead of Bundle B.

Dyantyi even rudely interrupted the PP while she was still clarifying some issues, something he does not want to be done to him. He behaves like a bull in a China shop.

Cape Times

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