Daily News notes statement issued by the SIU regarding public protector’s investigation

THE statement by the Special Investigating Unit acknowledged that it would be cooperating with the Public Protector’s investigation into PPE corruption at the embattled institution.

THE statement by the Special Investigating Unit acknowledged that it would be cooperating with the Public Protector’s investigation into PPE corruption at the embattled institution.

Published Dec 2, 2021


THE Daily News has noted a statement published by the SIU on the South African government’s website acknowledging that it will be co-operating with the public protector’s investigation into PPE corruption at the embattled institution.

The Daily News and its editorial staff stand behind their story, which followed all due processes of a proper investigative article, which was accompanied by all the relevant documentation and evidence.

The SIU was also given a right of reply, which was provided in the article.

Everything published regarding the story is based on facts and evidence.

The Daily News will continue to report without fear or favour on any individual or institution which faces allegations of wrongdoing.

No one one, the SIU included, is beyond reproach.

In addition, Mr Kaizer Kganyago, the spokesperson of the SIU, as a seasoned media professional, is well aware of the Independent Media Ombudsman’s processes should any party feel aggrieved regarding our stories.

The details of our ombud are as follows:

Independent Media Group Ombud

Yogas Nair

031 308 2326



Daily News