LETTER: Are soldiers getting away with murder in the matter of Collins Khosa?

File photo: Armand Hough/African News Agency(ANA)

File photo: Armand Hough/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Jun 3, 2020


OPINION  - I fully expected a cover-up in the investigation into the death of Collins Khosa at the hands of the SANDF, but I never expected the sheer audacity with which it would be done - “Inquiry clears officers in Khosa death” (Daily News, May 29).

According to the SANDF, “he was ‘pushed’ and ‘klapped’ but ‘conscious and healthy when the security forces left’.”

While a post-mortem report found that Khosa died of blunt force trauma to the head, the SANDF sticks to its guns, stating there was no link between his injuries and the soldiers’ actions.

The blatant contradictions between the evidence of the Khosa family and the soldiers notwithstanding, the inquiry board concluded Khosa was conscious and healthy when the forces left.

We should be told who the members of this board were. An investigation into their conduct is warranted. Were these people also connected to the SANDF, or were they independent?

I sincerely hope that Judge Hans Fabricius throws these findings out and orders a new probe.

We should all be concerned and outraged because what happened to Khosa could easily happen to us or someone we know.

And with such sham investi-gations to back them up, the soldiers will get away with murder.


Daily News

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