LETTER: Chatsworth drivers need to stop speeding

Chatsworth drivers need to stop speeding, argues the letter writer.

Chatsworth drivers need to stop speeding, argues the letter writer.

Published Dec 6, 2019


OPINION - In times gone by, we could go on a leisurely drive on a Sunday afternoon, enjoying the scenery.

Not any more.

The world is going too fast. Whether we are going to the shopping mall, beach, wedding, funeral or just to visit an old aunt, we are forever rushing.

Even when we stop to eat, it has to be done in double quick time. We grab a burger, gobble and go. We are in such a hurry to reach our destination. Unfortunately, some of us don’t ever.

I was driving on Higginson Highway last Sunday afternoon and I witnessed this madness of mankind. To be fair, there were some motorists keeping to the speed limit but there were others who just whizzed past, at a frightening speed. Even on a Sunday, they were in such a hurry, dicing with death. Why, I wondered.

Over the years, Higginson Highway has claimed numerous lives. Despite its evil reputation, Chatsworth motorists have not changed their bad driving habits. Once on the highway, they have an adrenalin surge, put their foot down on the accelerator and fly on and off the road, crashing into trees, lamp-posts and the fence. The numerous places where the fence was damaged bear testimony to how poorly Chatsworth motorists drive.

On the many occasions I have been on Higginson, a police sighting is rare as a black swan. What could be the reason? Could it be: “If they want to die, let them?” So there’s no zero tolerance on Higginson Highway?

With the festive season upon us, it could get a lot worse on our roads. In many homes there won’t be festive cheer but plenty of tears.


Daily News

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