LETTER: Coronavirus - Is nature culling the prolific human race?



Published Mar 23, 2020


OPINION - What a dull and miserable weekend it was! No tennis, no Formula 1 and no soccer. 

To add to our misery, there’s the spectre of recession, load shedding and piles of dirt on the roads. Before, it was Brexit; now all you hear, day and night, on the news channels is the wretched coronavirus.

We have already become a nation living in fear, barricading our homes against brazen criminals who have taken over towns and neighbourhoods. Now we have to contend with another deadly enemy, so tiny and microscopic, that we cannot even see it. But it carries a lethal force.

Like squirrels, we scurry to the shopping malls, emptying the shelves of essential items to store up for the hard times ahead.

How could man, who is the most successful species on earth, be at the mercy of such a tiny thing as a virus? 

Did any astrologer worth his salt look into his crystal glass and prophesise that a disease of Biblical proportions would descend upon the Earth and threaten to wipe out the human race? 

Not since World War II has the entire world united to stop the relentless march of an enemy, as it does now.

Could the coronavirus pandemic then be a dire warning to man not to be so cocksure of his success and importance on earth? 

Could it be nature’s way of culling the prolific human race that lays to waste the


T Markandan Kloof

Daily News

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