LETTER: Fire DonaldTrump, his bizarre Covid-19 briefings show he is the real apprentice

When Donald Trump was elected president of the US, a Washington Post piece said he never expected to win the election and was not prepared for the office says the letter writer. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

When Donald Trump was elected president of the US, a Washington Post piece said he never expected to win the election and was not prepared for the office says the letter writer. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Published Apr 30, 2020


OPINION  - When Donald Trump was elected president of the US, a Washington Post piece said he never expected to win the election and was not prepared for the office.

He was stunned and horrified that he had won; Michael Wolff also refers to this in his book Fire and Fury.

His first lie on becoming president was to fib about the attendance at his inauguration, the lowest in modern US history.

As time went on, the lies uttered by President Trump have become more bald and shameful, but Covid-19 has exposed the man as a fraud and a snake oil salesman.

The most powerful leader in the world has been totally panicked by this pandemic and reduced to a blithering idiot.

His famous mantra on the TV show The Apprentice - “you are fired” - should be applied to him.

His utterances at the Covid-19 briefings have become bizarre and his demeanour that of a deranged man. He shows petulance and pettiness, and is a man out of his depth. The US economy has gone from boom to bust. He has been exposed as a deeply flawed man who pretends to know more about the pandemic than the US’s epidemiology scientists and health experts.

He peddles bizarre medication or punts untested theories on how to kill the virus, the latest being injection with household disinfectant.

He has this incredible habit of heaping scorn on himself through foot-in-the-mouth syndrome.

Exposed for his shortcomings in handling the pandemic, he has blamed all and sundry for his failures; the latest being the WHO. How such a pathetic and clueless man was elected to the US’s highest office will have future historians scratching their heads.

History will judge his failures and his lack of a legacy will stun future students.

Long after he is vanquished, psychologists will have a field day analysing the man.

Paks Pakiriy Durban North

Daily News

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