LETTER: Incompetence, not Covid-19, is to blame for South Africa's economic collapse

Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency(ANA)

Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency(ANA)

Published Jul 17, 2020


OPINION - South Africa is heading towards pariah status on the African continent and world stage.

We are already in the dumps in the eyes of credit ratings agencies. Unemployment has rocketed. Education standards have fallen. Parastatals have collapsed. Big businesses are shutting after many years of operations.

The country’s economic growth has stagnated. Citizens’ stress and frustration levels have risen. Abuse, violence, murder, rape, drug abuse, bootlegging, bribery, corruption, contract killings, destruction and theft are the order of the day.

It was never so. We have incompetent, uneducated and unqualified government officials calling the shots. Government officials stealing and looting.

Officials fingered for wrongdoing are promoted, transferred or given leave with full pay.

Officials in senior positions with fake qualifications. Seventy percent of the country demands social security. Almost every government department has been compromised.

We are standing in front of the BRICS and World Bank with a begging bowl.

The president wants us to understand we are entering a

Covid-19 storm - what hogwash. We were caught in a tornado of ANC looting, stealing, corruption and bribery over 20 years ago.

Two cards the ANC government must not play regarding this country’s woes are Covid-19 and the former white government.

The ANC has been in government for over 25 years.

Eddie Moodley Durban

Daily News

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