LETTER: It is folly to send public school pupils back

A South African school is disinfected against Covid-19. File photo: Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

A South African school is disinfected against Covid-19. File photo: Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jul 1, 2020


OPINION - Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga and her officials are correct in pointing out that the coronavirus infections detected among teachers and pupils as they return to school were contracted in their communities, not in school.

But is this enough reason to reopen schools on Monday, and have millions of children clustered together at close quarters? Surely this is an invitation for the virus to spread like wildfire?

I am given to understand that children can be carriers of the virus while not feeling its effects, but can pass it on to others around them.

This means they will pass it on to their parents and grandparents, and potentially those they share public transport with.

With so much of the school year already lost, I feel this year should simply be scrapped and all pupils repeat their grade next year.

I don’t grudge pupils in private schools who have continued with lessons online while at home; if they can progress to the next grade, that is their good fortune.

However, I think it will be sheer folly to send all public school pupils back to class when the transmission of the virus is yet to reach its peak in this country.

Unless the intention is to use

the pupils to speed up reaching the peak and for the country to then move ahead.

In that case the government should be honest and tell us what the real plan is.


Daily News

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