LETTER: Let’s stand up to the criminal syndicate running Zimbabwe

FILE PHOTO: Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

FILE PHOTO: Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Published Jul 17, 2020


OPINION - THE CRIMINAL syndicate at the helm of Zimbabwe is demanding to be respected through use of vile terrorist tactics of ruling by force, using fear as a currency to garner coerced conformity.

If we do not stand and say enough, we will never know freedom and women will continue to bear the brunt of the long-standing security apparatus’s terrorist culture, where they deliberately target women in a bid to break the people's spirit and strike fear into the core of society in Zimbabwe.

Three opposition members, Joanna Mamombe, an MDC MP; Cecilia Chimbiri, an MDC youth leader; and Netsai Marova, the MDC national youth deputy organising secretary, were abducted on May 13 when they were demonstrating against hunger during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Chimbiri gave a horror recollection of what transpired on a video, how they were sexually assaulted by the state agents and made to eat human faeces.

Even the comedian Samantha Kureya, known as “Gonyeti”, was abducted and made to eat sewage by Mnangagwa’s agents.

This seems to be a deliberate and well-tailored attack on women.

The sole purpose is to dehumanise and humiliate our female leaders through sexual violence and torture.

Daily News

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