Letter: Sanity is restored over Covid-19 vaccines

South Africa-Cape Town - 18-May-2021 Patient Ivan Prestage getting his vaccine from DR Stoffels. Long lines in Karl Blemmer hospital Cape Bellville Government launched Phase 2 of its vaccine rollout programme yesterday.This initial set of vaccination sites are where a smaller number of registered residents over the age of 60 are invited to get their vaccine. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

South Africa-Cape Town - 18-May-2021 Patient Ivan Prestage getting his vaccine from DR Stoffels. Long lines in Karl Blemmer hospital Cape Bellville Government launched Phase 2 of its vaccine rollout programme yesterday.This initial set of vaccination sites are where a smaller number of registered residents over the age of 60 are invited to get their vaccine. Photographer Ayanda Ndamane African News Agency (ANA)

Published Jan 22, 2023


It gives freedom-loving citizens around the world great hope and pleasure to find out that in New York, the Covid-19 vaccine mandates for health workers have been classified as absurd and irrational.

Thanks to committed freedom fighters such as the NY Health Department, and sound lawmaking decisions by Judge Neri, any hopes of totalitarianism have been thwarted. Health-care workers can sleep sound knowing their pleas for common logic and freedom of bodily autonomy are now a reality.

Minister of Health Joe Paahla must wake up and smell the coffee, and stop lending his ears out to the WHO, which we all know is a dangerous and nefarious organisation.

The Covid-19 jabs and boosters have left behind them a trail of disaster, as young healthy, low-risk individuals who took the jab, start seeing the adverse effects and, in some cases, are dying of heart issues.

This is scary. Although the world has drastically changed since Covid-19, this does not mean that we have to succumb to increasing pressure from the WHO or any other decision making body when it comes to our bodies. Our bodies are sacred, gift from God. Who is man to force another to risk his life in the name of “health” when we all know that the more boosters you’ve had, the more likely you are to get and spread Covid-19 again.

China is living proof of this. The CCP is overwhelmed by a tsunami of Covid-19 cases and it has become evident that Chinese people’s health is last on the priority list of its government. The booster shots are creating a cesspool for the mutation of more Covid-19 variants. The booster shots are the Trojan horse.

We can only pray that there will never again be such a pandemic where the people are told to risk their lives for a bunch of fools who claim that the science is pointing in one direction when all known facts point in the opposite direction. There’s a saying: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Let’s trust in God, protect our bodies and our livelihoods and think before we take any jab in future, whether it be for Covid-19 or even measles or whatever the creators of these viruses throw at us.

* L Oosthuizen, Cowies Hill.

** The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media.

Cape Argus

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