LETTER: This is the type of leaders South Africa's struggline SOE's urgently need

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Published Jun 10, 2020


OPINION -  EMPLOYEES and society in general are crying out for an exceptional kind of leadership to be in control of our country's state-owned entities (SOEs). 

Are they expecting charismatic or character-based leadership?

This is a complex question to respond to, but I would think the latter is the answer.

It is therefore significant to first define what kind of leader represents an authentic leader.

These are regarded as those leaders whose actions are based on their convictions and values. What the leaders assert is consistent with what they believe, and their actions are consistent with both their talk and their beliefs.

They act in accordance with their moral values and beliefs rather than to please an audience, to gain popularity or advance personal or narrow political interests.

This kind of leadership is required as in yesterday for our SOEs. This requires a new kind of leader - one who is going to put forward his ideas for the benefit of the broader community or society.

SOEs have not done well. SAA has suffered losses of R5billion for each consecutive period, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme reported a loss of R2bn that was erroneously paid to students and Eskom is alleged to have paid R4million wrongly to a contractor, despite their financial problems.

This has taken me aback and asking when this will stop and when they will start handling the state money as their own.

It is time for the tide to turn we require a new kind of responsible leadership that is character-based and not charismatic leadership.

Daily News

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