5 bombshells from the AKA ’tell-all’ interview

AKA. Picture: Instagram

AKA. Picture: Instagram

Published May 25, 2021


From the moment South Africans found out that rapper AKA would be doing a “tell-all” interview about the death of his fiancée Anele “Nellie” Tembe and their relationship, he reached the top of the trends list.

And while the interview was meant to answer the many questions fans had, many were left with more questions.

Tembe died after an incident at the Pepperclub Hotel in Cape Town last month where she fell from the 10th floor.

Police have opened an inquest docket to probe her death.

According to paramedics, a “woman had allegedly jumped” from the 10th floor of the hotel.

Here’s what was revealed when AKA, real name Kiernan Forbes, sat with broadcaster Mrototo in his Johannesburg home over the weekend.

1. The couple were fighting the day Anele is said to have taken her life

AKA told Mrototo Anele had threatened to kill herself by jumping over the balcony.

“We had been having a particularly difficult week in our relationship, lots of arguments and disagreements.

“We sat down and we spoke and we started disagreeing again and things got heated.

“When things took a turn, I decided that I should remove myself from the situation.

“I decided that I would book myself into another room and hopefully things will simmer down.

“I left the room but went back because I had taken her phone and we argued and then Anele had kind of threatened to kill herself, to jump off the balcony,” said AKA.

He said that while he called the hotel reception for security and while the events are blurry, he remembered walking out of the bathroom and not seeing Anele anywhere in the room.

According to the star, he walked to the balcony and saw Anele’s body on the street below.

2. AKA admitted to trying drugs

When asked if drugs were involved in their relationship, AKA said “Have I tried drugs before? Yes, I have, I can say that without question. On the part of Anele, I am not going to speak on that.”

3. AKA did not rush to Anele’s side when he was told she was still alive

“I wanted to go down but my friends said no and I didn’t. They had said that she was still alive.

“I had seen her and I started thinking there was no way she survived, we were on the 10th floor. I stayed in the room and they kept me updated,” said AKA.

4. The rapper said he was not allowed to speak at Anele’s funeral

“I thought that I would also have an opportunity to speak at her funeral, to pay tribute to her and I communicated that to the family.

“I got to the funeral and my name was not on the programme,” he said.

5. Anele’s father, Moses Tembe responded to AKA’s claims

Responding to claims made in the interview, Moses said memorial services were held all week preceding Anele’s funeral in which AKA’s father and friends spoke.

“Kiernan never made a request nor was he ever denied an opportunity to read his message on the day of the funeral.

“We are a private family and it has been like that for decades. We would like to be given space to grieve. We’ve lost our daughter and we are hurting badly.”

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