Cut it with Khanyi

Khany Mbau. Picture: Itumeleng English

Khany Mbau. Picture: Itumeleng English

Published Sep 27, 2017


If you thought Khanyi Mbau is done with plastic surgery, think again. The often controversial media personality will be revealing all on SABC 3 tonight.

We caught up  with Khanyi just a few hours ago, at the Slimatone launch in Houghton, where she was revealed as the face of the wellness brand.

As she walked to the stage, I must I admit I thought Khanyi had a bun in the oven as she had a rather unusual bulge around her stomach and the first thing she said was: “I’m not feeling well today, I’m in a lot of pain”.

She then revealed that she had multiple surgeries just a few day ago.

“I’m still wearing bandages...The surgery was on Wednesday. I did liposuction, tummy tuck, breast lift and I made my waist smaller so that my bum may seem bigger...”

Khanyi Mbau to reveal reason for hospitalisation

Khanyi is ready to reveal all that goes into the process of liposuction, and she says it’s “painful but worth it”.

Khanyi Mbau. Picture: Itumeleng English

“I am starting a new show on SABC 3, exactly like Dr. 90210. People have always teased me for my love for lighter skin, calling me fake, plastic...calling me a doll, calling me not wanting to be black, saying I have self esteem issues.”

Khanyi explains that the show will educate and clear a lot of myths around plastic surgery.  She is also giving South African women an opportunity to walk in her shoes.

“I want to give South African women an opportunity to fix things that they always wanted to. I have a group of doctors who will give about 200 women makeovers. Let’s see what happens to the country after that.”

Is Khanyi advocating plastic surgery for all? She certainly seems convinced about the benefits.

“You can do dimples in 15 minutes and go have lunch...but these are natural," she laughs as she points to her beautiful dimples. "You can do anything you want. You can do a beauty spot, you can fix your hairline, you can do eyebrows, which I can do anything you see on the magazine”

Watch Khanyi reveal all tonight on The Scoop




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khanyi mbau