Check out the first edition of our Pets digital magazine

Published Sep 18, 2020


Today, IOL Lifestyle launches Pets magazine to celebrate the four-legged babies who own our hearts. In this inaugural issue we look at pet health and nutrition – from vegetarian diets for pets to the most wonderful recipes from a new cookbook for dogs, to pet-friendly restaurants across the country. We even share tips on dining with your pets.

We also look at how the coronavirus pandemic has affected animals. Lockdown resulted in a rush to buy pets for the sheer pleasure of their company and a flood of returns to animal shelters because many people could no longer afford to care for their pets.

However, there was light at the end of the tunnel as South Africans rallied to the call from shelters and signed up as foster carers. The Animal Welfare Society Stellenbosch had all its 115 dogs and 20 cats placed in homes, in what was a historic accomplishment for them. Announcing the amazing news on social media they said: “Never in our 64 years of operation has our shelter been empty; we cannot thank our fosters, volunteers and incredible staff enough.”

The first edition of the Pets magazine is available now.

We would love to hear about your pets. Send your stories, pictures and videos to Your pet could feature in our next issue. We also want to hear about heroes for animals, a regular feature celebrating those going the extra mile for animals.

In this issue we feature the sweetest story about five young boys from Philippi who set a shining example by walking many kilometres to save a distressed dog they had found in some bushes.

The boys named the Labrador Champ and got him the help he needed at an Animal Welfare Society shelter. A beautiful story with a beautiful ending.

So, please enjoy, share and be sure to engage.

Read the the first edition of this exciting new magazine here.

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