How to play with oregano while cooking? Here are a few ideas

Oregano is one of my all-time favourite herbs, both in fresh and dried forms. Picture: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

Oregano is one of my all-time favourite herbs, both in fresh and dried forms. Picture: Pexels/Karolina Grabowska

Published May 10, 2022


Oregano is one of my all-time favourite herbs, both in fresh and dried forms, and I always have a backup jar.

This is one of those herbs I just cannot run out of. Cooking with oregano will reward you with a massive punch of Mediterranean flavour.

If you do not think you know the flavour of the herb, try eating a pizza without the herb. Oregano is widely used to flavour a number of other dishes, including spaghetti bolognaise, soups, and stews.

When using dried oregano, it is a good idea to crush it in the palm of your hand to help release the essential oils.

Its intensity can result in it overwhelming the other flavours in a dish, which means that you will need to use an especially light touch when adding it to your food. So, how do you add oregano to food?

While cooking, sprinkle meat and chicken with oregano for flavour. Use it in marinades or stuffings. Chop and mix into bread or pizza dough for a herby flavour. Add fresh oregano leaves to a salad.

Pesto sauce

In your favourite pesto recipe use one cup basil, one cup parsley, and one cup oregano. These go very well together and will bring a new freshness to your pesto. Fresh is beyond the best.


You will get a brighter, fresher flavour if you use oregano when making your burgers. A tablespoon or two worked into the ground meat will have your family or guests wondering what your secret ingredient might be.

Savoury bread

Use fresh or dried oregano for flavourful bread to go alongside many meals. The strong flavour can elevate simple bread to something truly fantastic and turn an ordinary soup meal into something almost fancy.


When cooking your salmon, the last thing you want is for it to be flavourless. Add some oregano to bring out the flavours that will amaze your family.


Roasted, baked, poached, or grilled – any way you want to cook your chicken, oregano can make it taste even better. Whisk minced oregano into a marinade or stuff whole sprigs inside the chicken before roasting.

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