Woman sparks debate after using fridge camera to catch thieving housemate

A woman divided opinion when she revealed she installed a tiny hidden camera in her fridge after suspecting her flatmate of stealing her food. Picture: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

A woman divided opinion when she revealed she installed a tiny hidden camera in her fridge after suspecting her flatmate of stealing her food. Picture: Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

Published Jan 14, 2022


A woman divided opinion when she revealed she installed a tiny hidden camera in her fridge after suspecting her flatmate of stealing her food.

The British woman took to Reddit to explain she shares a house with three other women and wanted to find out who was responsible for her food and drink constantly going missing.

Calling it 'unbelievably frustrating', she explained how she had installed a 'fridge camera' and caught the culprit red-handed. But when she confronted the thief, she was shocked to learn that she was wrong for violating her privacy.

“I see multiple times a week that a large portion of my food and milk is gone. It’s unbelievably frustrating, and also very time-consuming and expensive having to buy/cook new food,” she explained in her post.

She had a suspicion that one of her flatmates, who she called Kate in the post, was behind the theft.

"I always believed it was Kate because 1.) She is awake late in the night (1-4 am). I am asleep then, and I tend to notice my stuff missing in the morning.

"2.) I have asked all of them about it. Sara and Zoe both deny taking my stuff, but Kate gets all defensive and says I shouldn't accuse her when I have no proof.“

One of her other friends was in a similar situation, and when she spoke to him about her theory, he explained that he'd set up a fridge camera to find out who had been stealing his food.

She decided to do the same.

"Sure enough, it was Kate, raiding my food daily. I confronted her about it because now I had proof.

"I showed her the footage, told her to never do it again, and that she should repay me for what she took,“ she wrote.

However, Kate didn't appreciate being spied on and went "apesh#t" when she was shown the proof.

The woman added that one of their other house-mates has sided with Kate, while the other has sided with her. Reddit users also debated in the comments section whether or not the fridge camera was justified. Some said that it was the only way that the flatmate could be caught stealing the food. Others said that maybe the woman could have taken the other house-mates into confidence about the camera.

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