Making a start on the decorating ladder

Published Mar 16, 2010


This article was written by Molebatsi Manzi, an Independent News and Media journalism trainee, as a training exercise

So you just got your first job, first salary and now you are ready to move into your own place. With apartments getting smaller and smaller you are now faced with the big task of decorating this small space. There are, however, ways around the problem. Here are a few ideas of how to go through the start the decorating project.

When decorating a small space the idea is that you don't make it look cluttered or untidy. You must also aim at making the space feel bigger than it actually is. One way of doing this is to use mirrors. Placing a mirror over a dresser or a full-length mirror will create an elegant focal point. A mirror that is placed on the wall can double the size of a room, provided it is placed correctly. It is not the best idea to buy thick curtains

or drapes.

A living room without an area rug can appear lacking in warmth and color. It pulls the room together and groups seating areas in a natural, fluid way. There are certain things to consider when choosing a rug such as size, style and material.

Decorating a small apartment means thinking outside the box. You can use dual purpose furniture to achieve focus and organization. Optical illusion is key, one large piece of art can add volumes to a small room. If you need furniture but can't afford a shopping spree, check out yard sales and classified ads. Keep in mind that you are buying for a small space and therefore you need more compact furniture. Less is more.

If you, like so many others, are asking yourself what do I need for my new place? Here is a helpful list known as the 5 S strategy.This strategy is important to consider this before you buy anything for your new space. These are where you will be sleeping, socializing, studying, snacking and sanitizing.

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