Time to take a DIY break

There are just 24 working days left before the builders' holidays, and miracles just do not happen.

There are just 24 working days left before the builders' holidays, and miracles just do not happen.

Published Nov 14, 2011


Let’s take a break from painting tips this week; to be honest I can’t get motivated to encourage you to work outside when it’s still raining and those walls are going to take longer to dry out.

So, to a few reminders about things that have crossed my path over the past week. I have covered them before, but they’re definitely worth a revisit.

Let’s start with a plea for you to be fair to any contractor who may be working for you right now.

There are just 24 working days left before the builders’ holidays, and miracles just do not happen.

There is only so much that can be done, so ensure that you plan all the work carefully with your contractor, and set realistic completion dates.

The workforce is tired, some materials are in short supply (especially gas), and trying to force the pace will only result in shoddy workmanship and bad feelings all round. To the builders: don’t make promises you can’t keep.

On gas installations, during a chat with my friend John, who issues compliance certificates for these, it emerged that the general public is largely unaware of recent changes to the relevant laws.

And remember, just because something’s been there for seven years doesn’t mean it’s legal.

So if you’re a regular user of gas, pop into your local supplier and get a copy of the regulations, or check on the internet.

If you are thinking of selling your house, you will need a compliance certificate anyway. And remember that if you have an accident caused by your gas installation, and it’s not certified, don’t expect your insurance company to come to the party.

Also, hats off to a couple of estate agents this week. I have been asked to inspect a few houses by potential buyers, and I must say that the attitude of the agents was exemplary.

I’m not sure if the new Consumer Protection Act is making everyone more aware of their duties and obligations, but what a pleasure it was to inspect properties where everyone was helpful.

As I said in my series on buying and selling properties, keep it straight and honest on both sides, and life becomes a whole lot easier.

If the sun ever does shine again, don’t forget it’s that time of year to get the swimming pool ready for the holiday season.

Remember that water is going to evaporate more, so keep your pool topped up. The filter also needs to be on for longer, and you’re likely to need extra chlorine.

I know Christmas is still six weeks away, but with the shops already gearing up, it’s time to think about presents.

And I’d like to make an early appeal against a rush on DIY gifts for which I might get the blame.

I really do believe golf balls and perfume are much better choices than electric drills, paint brushes or garden tools.<&bh"mailto:don@macalister.co.za"> - Weekend Argus

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