Bride's wedding invite goes viral for calling guests ‘lazy f****’



Published Aug 16, 2021


Think you’ve seen it all when it comes to wedding invites? This latest one puts the “C” in cringe.

And because of its content, it immediately went viral when Reddit user ScaredNapkin shared it on the Wedding Shaming forum.

Taking to Reddit, ScaredNapkin captioned the post: “My cousin sent this along with her wedding invitations … I will not be in attendance.”

You’ll understand why when reading the invitation titled “S*** you need to know” which went out to all potential wedding guests.

The bride doesn’t mince her words when it comes to her requirements.

Under children, she makes it blatantly clear that they are under no conditions allowed: “Leave your little s**** at home. We want to get f**** up. (We will turn you away).

But that’s not the worst of it; the rest of the invite is filled with expletives, including calling wedding guests fat and lazy f****.

And then she has the audacity to ask wedding guests for a contribution to their honeymoon.

Picture: ScaredNapkin/Reddit

The post received a slew of comments from Redditors with a 90% upvote.

“They didn't ask money, just contribution. A pack of condoms will do,” commented someone.

“I mean they got problem with kids not naked ass people possibly drunk,” said another.

One user defended the couple’s gift suggestion, saying: “To be fair, it says it's you wanted to give a gift. I think that kinda implies they don't care if you don't give them anything. I kind of respect it. Better than the people that say your gift better be worth than x amount or you're not welcome to come.”

The overall consensus was that the invite was “tacky” and “cringe-worthy”.

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