How would you feel if your ex-husband’s girlfriend asked to wear your wedding dress?

New girlfriend wants to wear ex-wife’s old wedding gown. Picture: Pexels

New girlfriend wants to wear ex-wife’s old wedding gown. Picture: Pexels

Published Dec 22, 2021


Couples get divorced for many reasons but no matter what that reason, it’s the manner in which they part that matters.

While some would prefer to never see their ex again, others maintain a fairly healthy, or at least civil, relationship.

But what happens when your ex gets into a new relationship? How do you treat the person who has “replaced” you?

We’ve seen enough movies to know that it can either go really badly and create tension or, which is rare, it can go well when one accepts the “new you” and maintains a healthy relationship with the ex.

An ex-wife decided to go as far as befriending her ex-husbands’ new girlfriend. It turned out to be a bad idea.

Taking to Reddit, an anonymous woman wrote about how her ex’s girlfriend asked her if she could wear the wedding dress she wore when she married her now ex-husband.

“I guess she saw some old pictures of me in my wedding dress and has been raving about how pretty my dress is. The other day we had coffee together and she brought up getting married soon. I told her how happy I was for her.

“Things changed though when she asked if she could wear MY wedding dress. I was really shocked she even asked. I immediately told her that I was flattered, but no. She immediately got extremely pouty and started to ask why. I explained that I just wasn’t comfortable with her wearing my dress to marry my ex-husband.

“About an hour later my ex-husband called asking what happened. When I told him, he completely understood and was on my side.

“She has been having her friends and family call me and my work calling me an a**hole for not ‘sharing’ and claiming that I’m not over him, so am just doing this to ruin her wedding.”

Reddit users were just as baffled by the request.

One user said: “Can you imagine being him and seeing his wedding pics with two different women both wearing the same dress. That seems super weird to me. I get liking someone else’s dress but wanting to wear it when marrying the same man is bizarre.”

“Give her the bad juju bad karma dress and sit back and laugh! What utter loon wants to wear their partners ex’s dress?” commented another.

A user offered: “Tell her the marriage dissolved so the dress isn’t good luck. She should borrow a dress from someone with a thriving marriage not a dissolved one. Try that?”