Mom hit by gang bullet: Victim fighting for her life in hospital after struck in the head

Published Nov 7, 2022


A Cape Town mom is fighting for her life after she was struck in the head by a stray bullet.

The thugs took advantage of the Guy Fawkes celebrations on Saturday night by opening fire on rivals.

The incident happened in Athon Walk, Hanover Park, just before 10pm.

The shooters also shot and killed two men who are suspected to be gangsters.

Mom-of-one Buttonita Matthee, 34, was walking home when she was injured.

A family member, who wishes to remain anonymous, says the woman may need an operation to remove the bullet from her head.

“They called us and told us that she was shot. We rushed over to the scene and I saw her lying there,” he says.

“She wasn’t moving but she was awake. She had been shot in the head and the bullet is still stuck in there, we are waiting for the brain doctors to inform us about the next step.”

The relative explains that Buttonita is married with a daughter.

“She was hit with a stray bullet. She is not involved in anything like gangsters.

“She is a mother and is married. All she did was just walk home and unfortunately she was shot and injured.

“Now we are left scared and trying to be strong for her to come home to us.”

Community leader Moulana Toha Rodriguez says there was confusion on Saturday night with the crackers also ringing.

“The gangsters took advantage because at the time we thought it was just all the crackers.

“It was really difficult for us in the safety structures to respond because we didn’t know whether we were hearing gunshots or not,” Toha adds.

“We know that the two men who were shot belonged to a gang but the lady is innocent. This is a gang rivalry and she was unfortunately struck.”

The community leader had called in the Pagad G-Force in May after a teenager was shot and killed.

“Those gangs [that were involved] we spoke to and asked them to make peace and they did.

“We are now faced with a new war,” explains the worried moulana.

SAPS spokesperson Joseph Swartbooi says Philippi police responded to the complaint on Saturday night.

“Upon arrival at the scene in Athon Walk at around 9.45pm, they found the bodies of two males aged 24 and 32, who sustained gunshot wounds to their bodies.

“The victims were declared deceased on the scene by the medical personnel.

“A female who also sustained gunshot wounds was transported to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. The unknown suspects who fled the scene are yet to be arrested. Philippi police are investigating two counts of murder and an attempted murder.”

Daily Voice