North West Education MEC Viola Motsumi condemns gang-related crimes at schools

North West Education MEC Viola Motsumi gives pupils a stern warning over crimes committed at schools. Pictures: Supplied

North West Education MEC Viola Motsumi gives pupils a stern warning over crimes committed at schools. Pictures: Supplied

Published Apr 25, 2023


The North West Education MEC Viola Motsumi visited John Frylinck Secondary School on Monday to nip the surge of gangsterism in the bud after allegations emerged that gang violence was rife at the school.

The department received reports on Friday that the school had not been running for almost two days due to learners carrying dangerous weapons to school with the intention to cause gang-related crimes.

Speaking to the allegations, Motsumi referred to the crimes as “barbaric” and strongly condemned the acts.

“We will not be bullied by learners in schools. No teacher or learner should be frightened coming to school because of certain learners who want to carry their wayward behaviour towards others. The democracy we have is to be enjoyed by all. No one is above law.

“From today, I have adopted this school, it needs proper support to be at a level that is admirable. I have roped in our external stakeholders like the SAPS, ward councillors and SGBs to adopt and frequent this school. Random search and seizure will be the order of the day and gang leaders using our children should be brought to book,” she said.

Motsumi further encouraged co- operation among school management to avoid any divide as it would affect teaching and learning.

She also thanked educators for swiftly reporting the incidents to her office.

Meanwhile, Motsumi congratulated the newly elected provincial Representative Council of Learners committee. The elections took place on April 22 at Sparkling Waters Hotel in Rustenburg.

“On behalf of the entire department l take this time to congratulate the elected RCL committee and wish them the best of luck in office. They have outdone themselves in reaching this level of leadership. I want to assure them support and guidance during their term.

“As a department we do not only focus on producing academics only for the labour market, but we identify the potential of individual learners in other aspects such as in leadership. Our country shouldn’t run short of leaders, as a department we are able to identify such a potential at a tender age and nurture it accordingly. These leaders were elected in a fair and transparent manner,” she said.

The NW Education Department is the first province to host the democratically elected 2023 RCL elections.

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