North West Grade R teacher wins 2022 Shero award after pupil nominates her

Grade R teacher Judith Motsusi with Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga at the Shero awards ceremony. Photo: Supplied

Grade R teacher Judith Motsusi with Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga at the Shero awards ceremony. Photo: Supplied

Published Oct 6, 2022


The North West Department of Education congratulated Grade R teacher Judith Motsusi for winning the 2022 SHERO award.

Motsusi, a teacher from Mafikeng Primary School, was crowned the 2022 SHERO award winner at a ceremony which was held on World Teachers Day at The Houghton Hotel, Johannesburg, on Wednesday.

The SHERO Awards are an annual celebration aimed at appreciating extraordinary women for their outstanding accomplishments and impact on society and beyond.

The department said Motsusi was nominated for the competition by a learner she taught in 2021.

Taking the stage, she expressed her excitement and mentioned that the award would motivate her to work harder than before.

"I am extremely excited about winning this award. I was not aware that my learner has entered my name, and today I am a national winner. I am truly grateful for this learner to recognise my efforts and push my name to the national stage. This award will propel my work to benefit more learners," Motsusi said.

The NW MEC for Education, Mmaphefo Matsemela, indicated that Motsusi's victory would motivate all teachers in their province.

Matsemela said they were excited as the department about this achievement.

"Teacher Motsusi is a typical example of hard-working teachers of this province. Again, this award came on the day we celebrated International World Teachers Day," she said.

"Teachers are transformers of our societies, and we will continue to honour and appreciate them,” she added.

Motsusi walked away with a laptop, a R1000 voucher for herself and a R5000 voucher for her school from Woolworths.

The initiative was created by Woolworths to appreciate and acknowledge teachers for the work they do.

"Woolworths customers and the public nominate a teacher who makes a difference in their lives," the department said.

The department further highlighted that all participants were entered online directly to the National Department of Basic Education.

Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga thanked teachers around South Africa for their tireless work in assisting students to reach their full potential in her keynote speech during the SHERO Awards ceremony.

"Today, we celebrate all teachers in our country in all kinds of schools, working tirelessly against all the odds to help our learners reach their full potential,” declared Motshekga.

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