Bond would never get a job at MI6, says spy boss

Published Oct 27, 2016


London - He’s fought off enemies across the world – and even in space – all for Queen and country.

But in real life, James Bond wouldn’t even pass the job interview, according to the head of MI6.

Alex Younger, Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service, said Ian Fleming’s 007 – with his penchant for women, fast cars and martinis – took too many ‘moral shortcuts’.

Last night he said: ‘It’s safe to say that James Bond wouldn’t get through our recruitment process and, whilst we share his qualities of patriotism, energy and tenacity, an intelligence officer in the real MI6 has a high degree of emotional intelligence, values teamwork and always has respect for the law… unlike Mr Bond.’

Speaking in a rare question-and-answer session Mr Younger, traditionally known as ‘C’ within MI6 circles, added: ‘We know that if we undermine British values, even in the name of defending them, then we have failed.

‘Our staff are not from another planet. They are ordinary men and women operating in the face of complex moral, ethical and physical challenges, often in the most forbidding environments on earth.’ He said that ‘a strong ethical core’ was one of the first qualities they looked for in staff.

Mr Younger told the Black History Month website: ‘My ultimate goal is for more people to consider a career in MI6 and to get rid of the myth that it’s all about having studied at Oxford or Cambridge or having advanced hand-to-hand combat skills.

‘That stereotype really couldn’t be further from the truth.

‘What is true is that our work at MI6 is exciting, intellectually challenging and it matters. We are Britain’s secret frontline, operating upstream in the shadows to keep our friends, families and fellow countrymen and women safe.’

The Secret Service boss is now on a drive to try to get more people to sign up and Mr Younger urged the ‘best of Britain’ to apply for a job.

Fleming wrote 12 novels featuring Bond, the first of which was Casino Royale in 1953.

And the Bond film series is the longest-running in history, with 007 most recently played by Daniel Craig in last year’s Spectre.

Daily Mail

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