OPINION: Am I the only one not knowing who to vote for?

South Africans take to the polls on May 29, but do you know where your vote will go? Picture: Independent Newspapers Archives

South Africans take to the polls on May 29, but do you know where your vote will go? Picture: Independent Newspapers Archives

Published May 24, 2024


These upcoming elections are probably going to be the most important since 1994, and as May 29 approaches, I have a confession — I am still unsure who to vote for.

Don't be mistaken, this will not be my first time voting, however, there seems to be so much pressure with these upcoming election. And I just know it is not just me feeling the pressure.

I have been blessed to have experienced 30 years of democracy, however, it has not been all sunshine and roses.

While political parties try wooing voters with their manifestos and promises, I have not been the least impressed by anything.

The manifestos are quite detailed regarding corruption, crime, and the thorn in our sides — load shedding, but something was lacking.

What I have seen little of, is how our elderly will be looked after, and how children will be protected — looking at how our children are being kidnapped, raped, and murdered at an alarming rate.

My mind is all over the place. Which party will best serve those who need it most?

Every five years, we are inundated with all these amazing things political parties are bringing to the table, but once elected, what actually gets done?

What has changed? It has been 30 years, yet children are still dying in pit toilets. There is barely proper sanitation in our rural areas. Accessibility to services is poor for those who are not financially well-off... It irks me.

While I am patriotic, I am also ashamed of how our people are suffering. Living in South Africa has become unaffordable. That’s the reality.

So, who we vote for will ultimately determine the future of our nation, yet, the future to me already seems bleak.

I cannot begin to fathom what first-time voters must be thinking. I feel this election has become a battle between what we need as citizens, and this imaginary picture being painted for us by political parties.

While the ANC was the saving grace for the nation in 1994, they let the ball drop, and instead plunged South Africans into wanting to force them out of power. There have been too many scandals, court battles, and corruption for one nation to carry. But, Mzansi is like a movie, and while we always seem to find humour in all things, no matter how bad, I hope this election brings about the change we need to unite the nation.

So … as the days draw closer, do you know who you’re voting for?

If so, head to those voting stations and make sure you vote a party into power that will work for you, because not voting is allowing others to choose who represents you. It may be cliché, but be the change you want to see.

*The views expressed here do not necessarily represent the views of IOL or Independent Media
