ANC warns its councillor candidates against corruption, ill-discipline

ANC members had to seek refuge at a tent reserved for the media when the rain started pouring in Soweto during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address at the Siyanqoba Rally. Picture: Ntombi Nkosi

ANC members had to seek refuge at a tent reserved for the media when the rain started pouring in Soweto during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address at the Siyanqoba Rally. Picture: Ntombi Nkosi

Published Oct 29, 2021


PRESIDENT Cyril Ramaphosa has warned the party’s councillors who emerge victorious after Monday’s local government elections that ill-discipline, nepotism, corruption or any other form of wrongdoing will not be tolerated.

Ramaphosa addressed ANC supporters at the party’s Siyanqoba Rally at Thokoza Park in Moroka, Soweto in pouring rain.

”We expect all our local councillors to conform to the values and principles of the ANC, and we will not tolerate any ill-discipline, nepotism, corruption or any other form of wrongdoing,” he said.

A few sentences into the president’s address, raining started pouring, prompting Ramaphosa to compare its significance to the intervention of a higher power.

”Comrades, it seems like even providence is on our side because with this type of rain, it just spells victory for the African National Congress,” he said, as ANC supporters took shelter under chairs and ran into nearby tents.

However, Ramaphosa continued with his speech while ANC supporters burst into Struggle songs in the tent side aside for the media covering the event.

”All councillors will undergo training to ensure they are properly equipped to fulfil their responsibilities. Also as part of the renewal of the ANC and in support of capable local government, we have changed the way we choose mayors,” he explained.

According to Ramaphosa, all mayors in ANC-led municipalities will undergo a thorough vetting and interview process.

”We want mayors with a solid track record of service, who understand local government, and who have the competencies required to lead and deliver. We want mayors who are honest and ethical, and care deeply about the people,” he said.

He assured South African voters that through this process the ANC will ensure those who occupy the most important leadership position in any council are worthy of that responsibility.

Ramaphosa said as a practical demonstration of change in local government, amendments to the Local Government Municipal Structures Act to promote ethical conduct by councillors and impose harsher consequences for wrongdoing will come into effect on the day of the municipal polls.

”We will improve the quality and the capabilities of officials in municipalities. We will speedily conclude a local government skills audit and change the way in which municipal managers, chief financial officers and other senior officials are appointed,” he promised.

Ramaphosa pledged to voters that there will no longer be jobs for pals in municipalities.

”We have acknowledged our mistakes, and we have also explained how we will correct our shortcomings and how, working with all South Africans, we will do better.

We know that change is difficult; that fixing mistakes is much harder and more demanding than making them,” he added.

Meanwhile, Cosatu president Zingiswa Losi was involved in a car accident while on her way to the rally.

The federation said Losi did not sustain any major injuries but was taken to hospital for standard medical check-ups.