LIVE FEED: State Capture Inquiry - April 13, 2021

Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh. Screengrab: SABC/YouTube

Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh. Screengrab: SABC/YouTube

Published Apr 13, 2021


Johannesburg - Former Eskom chief financial officer Anoj Singh is expected to return to the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture at 10am on Tuesday.

Norma Mngoma, the estranged wife of former finance minister Malusi Gigaba, is expected to testify later on Tuesday afternoon and into the night.

Proceedings kicked off late on Monday after Singh and his team were more than an hour late.

Singh’s testimony continues on Tuesday morning from Monday when he detailed his involvement with management consulting firm McKinsey and Company.


McKinsey and Trillion have been implicated in allegations of state capture after securing multimillion-rand contracts with Eskom under Singh’s tenure.

In focus was a letter McKinsey sent to Eskom in September 2015, confirming that Trillion would be subcontracted and setting out conditions about how Eskom should pay Trillion.

Singh said he did not know whether the conditions had been followed when the payments were made.

Mngoma is expected to take the stand in the afternoon. Gigaba is due to apply to cross-examine Mngoma and request that her evidence be heard in-camera.

Mngoma's evidence is expected to focus on Gupta-related matters and goings-on while she was married to Gigaba, when he served as minister of public enterprises and minister of finance.

Political Bureau

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