LIVE FEED: State Capture Inquiry - June 23, 2021

Former public enterprise minister Malusi Gigaba. Picture: Werner Beukes/SAPA/African Agency (ANA) Archives

Former public enterprise minister Malusi Gigaba. Picture: Werner Beukes/SAPA/African Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Jun 23, 2021


Johannesburg - Former public enterprise minister Malusi Gigaba will return to the State Capture Commission of Inquiry today.

It is expected that it would be his final day of giving evidence.

During his last appearance at the commission last week, it was discussed that once Gigaba concludes his evidence, his legal team would be able to cross-examine his estranged wife Norma Mngoma.

At his last appearance, Gigaba said he did not drive around Joburg with bags of cash in his boot given to him by the Guptas as alleged by one of his protectors.

Gigaba was responding to allegations made against him by “Witness 3”.




Witness 3 claimed the minister would receive money and would use it to buy suits, among other things.

Witness 3 also said Gigaba would buy suits with the money and pay for them with cash bills. He said the former minister would also pay for food using the cash bills.

But, Gigaba denied the allegations “with contempt”.

He also claimed his estranged wife Mngoma "loved money".

He said she even demanded to know what he planned to do with his ministerial pension payout.

Gigaba claimed Mngoma was “angry” because he told her that he invested the money for his future and used some for legal fees.

“She demanded that money be made available for spending,” he said.

Gigaba also accused Mngoma of testifying at the commission out of “malice and bitterness” because she could not get a hefty divorce settlement.

The commission will also hear law enforcement agencies from Major-General Mnonopi and Brigadier Xaba in the day.

Thereafter, the commission is also scheduled to have an evening session to hear Bosasa related evidence from former Bosasa chief operations officer, Angelo Agrizzi to be cross-examined by Kevin Wakeford's legal team.

Political Bureau