LIVE FEED: State Capture Inquiry - June 28, 2021

Former ANC spokesperson Zizi Kodwa is testifying at the Zondo commission. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Former ANC spokesperson Zizi Kodwa is testifying at the Zondo commission. Picture: Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA) Archives

Published Jun 28, 2021


Johannesburg - Former ANC spokesperson Zizi Kodwa is expected to take the hot seat at the State Capture Commission of Inquiry on Monday morning.

He is set to give testimony about the allegations that he received millions of rand while he was spokesperson for the party.

The commission has heard how Kodwa received more than R2 million in payments and luxury accommodation linked to technology services company EOH.

ENS Forensics managing director Steven Powell told the commission that he conducted a forensic investigation into EOH. He found payments made to the ANC and individuals linked to the party.

IOL previously reported on Powell's testimony, that payments were made while EOH was bidding for government tenders.


Powell said payments were made to Kodwa through a former executive at EOH, Jehan Mackay.

Powell had told the inquiry that Kodwa had received R400 000 from Mackay through an intermediary company.

However, the commission was able to receive other bank details and statements linked to Kodwa which showed he had benefited in payments and luxury accommodation amounting to more than R2m.

He said most of the information showed extensive email communication between Mackay and Kodwa.

The bulk of the payments were made through a company called Technical Software Systems, which has links to Mackay, but not EOH. They were channelled through a person called “Reno Barry”.

Powell said it seemed that between 2015 and 2016, when the payments were made to Kodwa, three government contracts were issued.

The commission is also expected to hear Eskom-related evidence from former Eskom executive Prishotham Govender and evidence from one of the commission investigators, Lance Poon.

Political Bureau