LIVE FEED: #StateCaptureInquiry February 14, 2019

Published Feb 14, 2019


Johannesburg - Former Cope MP Dennis Bloem is expected to testify in relation to evidence provided by former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor. She had testified that she had told Bloem and a few other MPs that Ajay Gupta had offered her a job as the minister of public enterprises. 

It’s expected that Bloem will corroborate Mentor’s evidence. 

She concluded her testimony at the Zondo commission after a long day of cross-examination on Tuesday. 

Mentor was probed by legal representatives of former president Jacob Zuma’s chief of staff Lakela Kaunda and Hawks Advocate Mandela Mtolo.

Mentor claimed last year during her first appearance in August that she had opened a criminal case in May 2016 against Zuma and the Gupta brothers regarding corruption. 

In conclusion of her evidence, Mentor thanked the commission and chairperson deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo. 

She also encouraged others to come forward and testify. 


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