Municipal Manager locked out of his office to enforce his suspension from work, pending investigation

The suspended Zweli Dhlamini. Picture: Abaqulusi Local Municipality Page

The suspended Zweli Dhlamini. Picture: Abaqulusi Local Municipality Page

Published Oct 23, 2023


The Municipal Manager (MM) of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) led Abaqulusi (Vryheid) local municipality in KwaZulu-Natal has been locked out of his office.

The lockout comes hours after a special council sitting on Friday resolved that he should be immediately suspended from work.

Zweli Dhlamini’s suspension is meant to pave the way for an investigation into allegations of misconduct against him.

The council resolved that he should be suspended so that he does not interfere with the investigation where he was recorded telling a staff meeting that the IFP calls the shots when it comes to employing certain municipal staff in political offices.

The party has since denied the claim after Dhlamini’s recording went viral last month.

Friday's meeting was held after another one Dhlamini and the Speaker of the council, Nonkululeko Ndlela, tried to interdict in the Pietermaritzburg High Court and failed.

According to the minutes of the special council sitting, Ndlela was absent without any official leave notice on Friday.

She was not the only IFP councillor absent, as other IFP councillors like former Mayor Mncedisi Maphisa were recorded as absent.

Despite that, the council resolved to immediately suspend Dhlamini.

“Having considered the written representation of the Municipal Manager (Mr Z.G. Dhlamini) dated 18 October 2023, the Council is still of the view that the presence of the Municipal Manager at the workplace may jeopardise any investigation into the alleged misconduct and he may interfere with potential witnesses, most of whom are employees of the Municipality under his ultimate control as the municipal manager and accounting officer.

“The Municipal Manager (Mr Z.G. Dhlamini) be placed on precautionary suspension with full pay pending the outcome of the investigation into his alleged misconduct and/or the outcome of a possible disciplinary enquiry," it was resolved.

Dhlamini has since been stripped of all his powers, pending the probe.

“The precautionary suspension is to be with effect from 20 October 2023, further withdraw all functions of the Municipality, delegation of powers and signing powers.

“The Mayor (Cllr S.E. Mkhwanazi) is authorised to inform the Municipal Manager (Mr Z.G. Dhlamini), the Minister of COGTA and the MEC of COGTA-KZN of the precautionary suspension of the Municipal Manager and the reason thereof,” reads the minutes of the special council sitting.

The probe against Dhlamini will be conducted by an independent investigator to be appointed soon.

Dhlamini said he learnt through IOL that he has been placed on suspension and said he has since been locked out of his office.

“I just get them just like I get this one from you, nothing formal as yet. I was informed that even keys to my office and electronic devices of access have already been blocked.

“I have sent my staff to (the) office, they can't get in,” he said on Saturday.

The municipality did not comment when asked about the matter.

IOL Politics