Premier Winde calls on Albert Fritz alleged sexual assault saga to not be politicised

MEC Albert Fritz is alleged to have sexually assaulted four employees in his office. According to reports, the incidents date back to last year.PHOTO: SAM CLARK

MEC Albert Fritz is alleged to have sexually assaulted four employees in his office. According to reports, the incidents date back to last year.PHOTO: SAM CLARK

Published Jan 25, 2022


While Western Cape Premier Alan Winde has called for the sexual assault allegations reportedly brought against MEC Albert Fritz not to be politicised, the ANC in the provincial legislature wants Winde to be summoned to explain the suspension of Fritz before the standing committee on community safety.

Fritz is alleged to have sexually assaulted four employees in his office. According to reports, the incidents date back to last year.

Fritz, who served as the provincial leader for the DA, MEC for community safety and former MEC for social development, has requested to refrain from his responsibilities as provincial DA leader.

The opposition party’s Western Cape chairperson, Jaco Londt, on Monday announced that the party’s provincial deputy leader, Tertuis Simmers, will be the party’s acting leader for the time being, while Winde announced the appointment of provincial Cultural Affairs and Sport MEC Anroux Marais as the acting MEC for community safety.

Questions arose shortly after the premier announced the immediate suspension of Fritz, as Winde had refrained from disclosing information, only referring to the allegations as serious.

ANC MPL Cameron Dugmore issued a statement demanding transparency on the matter given the serious portfolios for which Fritz is responsible.

It eventually surfaced in a media report that the allegations related to sexual assault of his own staff.

In a media report, the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for Safety and Security JP Smith revealed that a woman approached him recently with serious allegations against Fritz.

On Monday afternoon Winde said he was not in a position to be transparent about the investigations due to the seriousness of the allegations.

“I know there have been many questions raised around the nature of the allegations which resulted in the suspension of Minister Fritz. It is always my preference to be open and transparent with residents of the province and the media. In this case, however, noting specific requests by the complainants for confidentiality, the seriousness of the allegations made and the rights of all parties to a fair and unprejudiced investigation into the veracity of the claims made, I may not do so at this stage.

“I assure you that I am treating this matter with the seriousness it deserves and I will provide further updates as soon as I am able to,” he said.

Winde dismissed reports of individuals who wished to “politicise” the matter. He stressed that he will not play politics with the well-being of people “and would like to urge anyone who views this matter as a political football to show restraint, especially in consideration of the requests made by the complainants and the rights of all to a fair process”.

ANC MPL and provincial spokesperson on community safety Mesuli Kama has called on the standing committee on community safety chairperson Reagen Allen to convene an urgent meeting, as well as summon Winde to explain the suspension of Fritz.

He added that it would be important for the standing committee to know the details of the allegations against Fritz and when the premier first became aware of them, among others.

Independent Media has made numerous attempts to obtain comment from Fritz, but calls were declined and there had been no response to messages.

Political Bureau